Concussion TherapyServices

Understanding Concussions

What exactly is a concussion?

A concussion is a type of brain injury that typically arises from a sudden blow to the head, causing rapid acceleration and deceleration of the brain. This sudden motion can lead to two main processes in the brain that result in concussive symptoms.

  • The shearing or tearing of axons, which can disrupt the normal electrical signaling in the brain.
  • The release of an excessive amount of neurochemicals. This abrupt change can overwhelm the brain as it struggles to manage the influx of information.

The initial symptoms following either of these processes can vary but often include confusion, disorientation, disturbances in attention and memory, and potentially a loss of consciousness. At NeuroBehavioral Associates, we provide comprehensive care to help manage and recover from such symptoms.
Compassionate Care

How can concussion therapy benefit you?

It’s common for your body to send signals when you’re exerting yourself too much – you may feel fatigued or notice other concussion symptoms. Before a concussion, it’s typical to ignore these cues and push through to complete tasks. However, this approach isn’t effective post-concussion.

Our Approach

We aim to enhance your awareness of bodily signals and foster an understanding of which activities might lead to fatigue. This helps you develop the skill to maintain balance in your activities.

During your therapy, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss which activities or experiences are particularly draining for you – these vary for each individual. This will assist you in planning your weekly schedule more effectively.

To assess the impact of a concussion on your brain, we employ a combination of clinical assessments and psychometric testing. Our goal is to provide you with the tools and knowledge to manage your recovery more effectively.


Concussion therapy can enhance a patient's quality of life by helping them manage symptoms, promoting faster recovery, and preventing further complications.


By teaching individuals to recognize and respond appropriately to their body's signals post-concussion, therapy fosters healthier habits, which can lead to improved overall wellbeing.


With personalized treatment plans, concussion therapy can provide tools for managing daily activities more effectively, allowing individuals to regain independence and enjoy a more active, fulfilling life.